14 March 2022
Woodhill forest is located 1 hour from central Auckland with public hunting opening to ballot holders from 11th June 2022. If successful you can nominate up to two hunting companions. Successful applicants will be notified by post, results are posted online soon after the ballot is drawn.
The ballot is only $20 to enter- Applications close 5pm 19th April. Upon a successful ballot, a block fee at $175 for the Ballot Holder.
To find out more information go to www.fallowdeer.co.nz
Enter the ballot here.
Take A Kid Hunting Ballot
Make the most of a great opportunity to Take a Kid Hunting, and pass on a little of your knowledge and skills.
The Take a Kid Hunting day was introduced by the WFMC in 2004 to encourage and introduce children to the sport of deer hunting. The WFMC sees this day as an opportunity to educate kids in firearm safety, the deer they are about to hunt and the role of the WFMC in managing the Woodhill fallow herd so that it can be enjoyed by future generations. It provides a perfect opportunity for parents, guardians and their charge's to have a safe and enjoyable hunting experience.
There is NO ballot entry fee: applications open 30th March.
Woodhill Forest is primarily an Operational Production Forest. Please be aware that contact with forest operations is possible at any time, and that those operations take precedence over all other activities.
The following conditions apply:
- As a primary applicant having accepted a permit you agree to abide by the conditions that apply to the permit. You are responsible for your companion's actions and that ALL MEMBERS OF THE PARTY ARE AWARE OF THESE RULES. And as Primary applicant you must be in attendance on the day of your hunt.
- Tasman Road gate opens at 6 am. Park your car at the access point indicated on map, with the permit clearly visible on the dash. If more than one vehicle, make copy of permit for it.
- Hunting is from daylight to dusk only. Access/egress to and from blocks is permitted during dark hours. All firearms must be unloaded during this time. Access to block is by foot. NO BICYCLES.
- Firearms licence to be carried at all times and produced when asked by patrol on day.
- No Rim fire rifles, shotguns, dogs, spotlights or night vision goggles are permitted under any circumstances.
- No Black powder firearms or tracer ammunition allowed as they are considered a fire hazard.
- Bow hunters are NOT permitted to take firearms onto hunting blocks.
- Your permit entitles you and your companions to shoot one Fallow buck each. 'Buck' is defined as an animal with 3 or more points. WEANER BUCKS and PRICKETS (SPIKERS) MUST NOT BE SHOT. DOES ARE BY SPECIAL PERMIT ONLY; See 'Doe Permits' below.
- All pigs and possums may be shot within your block.
- No shooting of any other living thing is permitted.
- No indiscriminate firing of rifles permitted, i.e. no sighting in. This is an enclosed, managed deer hunting area. Target practice of any sort is banned. No shooting on or across block boundary roads.
- Consideration for hunters in adjoining blocks is to be shown at all times.
- The head of all animals shot (including pigs but not possums) are to be taken to entry point and put in bins, your hunting information card should also be put with the head.
- If you have a Buck's head you wish to keep you must liase with the duty person who will be periodically checking carparks.
- Members of the WFMC or deputies on gate duty have the right to routinely check carry bags and vehicles. Full co-operation with patrol personal is paramount.
- You as the permit holder must undertake on behalf of your party to, on the form provided, return a record of kills and all deer sightings. ALL PRIMARY PERMIT HOLDERS MUST FILE A RETURN BY 1st OCTOBER.
These conditions are laid down in the interests of the fallow deer herd and your safety. Failure to follow these conditions of your permit will result in a disqualification for you and/or your party from future ballots for a minimum period of one year.
To see full rules please head: here
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