NZDA makes submission for and on behalf of NZDA and recreational hunters.
16 February 2023
Consultation closes this Thursday, 16th on Police's firearms fees review under the Arms Regulations. This impacts you and your wallet.
Please share this blog with anyone who isn't yet an NZDA member but needs to know!
Keep reading to learn more and to find a summary of the recent survey we sent out.
Read NZDA's Comprehensive Submission
Open the submission here or click the cover above.
NZDA has drafted a comprehensive submission to Police highlighting the concerns we have for the hunting and shooting community in New Zealand.
Find a copy of our submission above.
Our main concerns include that increased fees:
- Limit access to hunting and shooting opportunities, particularly for young people and lower income communities;
- Lead to drastic consequences for, hunting, conservation and game animal management due to a major decrease in the number of LFOs;
- Clearly demonstrate systemic inefficiencies that will lead to inequitable outcomes for all owners but particularly those in rural communities and outside of major urban centres.
Context of the Consultation on Firearms Licencing Fees
These changes include increased:
- Licence fees
- Dealer fees (including importing)
- Endorsement fees for licence holders and dealers
- Fees for places of business, ammunition sellers and internet sales
- Import permit fees
- and much much more...
See the proposed changes here:
Open the Arms Regulations: Review of Fees 2022 document here.
See the press release from NZ Police here.
What is NZDA Doing?
NZDA prepared the shared detailed submission explaining our key concerns.
NZDA submitted an Official Information Request from Police to ascertain details on the assumptions for the costs subject to consultation. We received an inadequate response which can be read here. We are following up on the response with Police and the Ombudsman's Office.
We have been on a series of meetings directly with Police, alongside other FCAF member organisations, to raise concerns of our members and the firearms community.
NZDA has reached out to relevant MPs, Officials and other organisations and we expect to meet with various groups to discuss our concerns. We are awaiting a response from Minister of Police, Stuart Nash, to explain the impact of Police's proposals on the recreational hunting and shooting sector.
What did our recent member survey show?
The NZDA member survey received over 2500 responses and provided key findings to inform our submission. We have ensured the views and trends shown in the survey have been communicated to Police.
A full summary of the results are appended to our submission, click on that link to see the full results.
Key survey findings include:
- The community supports firearms safety training that is partially subsidised by the Crown. 92% of people support new licence applicants completing the safe handling training but the community wants a fee of $50.
- The community supports a partial subsidy of the firearms licensing system. 85% of people support a partial subsidy and the majority of people support a subsidy of between 50%-75%.
- Fee hikes will decrease the number of licensed owners. There may be up to 52% fewer renewals if fees increase to $485 and up to 60% fewer at a fee of $727.50.
- Fee hikes beyond $300 will increase the number of firearms in the grey and black markets. Most of the community supports, and can afford, a fee of between $150-300. Any fee increase above that will lead to greater non-compliance and result in worse public safety outcomes.
What can you do?
Tell people. Share this email. Make a submission yourself. Please, we urge all members to have their say via the submission process.
It is vital that licensed firearms owners are heard, seen and our combined voices respected by Police, especially in an era wh ere we are forced to fight for our right to hunt.
Make a submission:
NZ Police invite your feedback on proposals. See the submission process overview here.
You have two options to provided feedback:
1. Fill out the Online Feedback Form which walks you through a series of questions:
Go the the Online Consultation Feeback Form.
2. Complete a submission form by accessing the paper copy here:
Download the PDF version here.
Download the word document here.
NZDA Policy on Firearms
NZDA supports a firearms regulation framework that protects law-abiding users and does not apply penalties or ‘red-tape’ costs to those owners and which guarantees efficiency and safety.
In respect to firearms, NZDA’s policies are:
To maintain the right of the people generally to own and bear firearms and to oppose any regulations which would unduly restrict such rights.
To support the principles of firearms registration of the user based on appropriate levels of qualification, and to oppose registration of individual firearms as a system which has been a proven failure.
To support firearms security measures which by their economy and effectiveness, will encourage purchase and use.
To oppose security measures which are designed as a financial penalty to discourage ownership of some category firearms.
To support the penalising of intimidation by use of firearms.
To safeguard property both private and public and to show due respect for the rights and safety of others.
To promote international and Olympic style competition shooting and the grading and participation in such competitions.