The latest on Molesworth Game Animal Management

Game Animal Management Committee: Update to members on animal control at Molesworth

In August 2023, PĀMU Farms of New Zealand undertook animal control work on the leased Molesworth recreational reserve, and have, or are about too, undertake further control work in the next three weeks. 

A WARO permit was issued by DOC to enable the latest work to be undertaken. At this stage, we will assume the operation has already occurred as that was the expectation from the notice Marlborough Branch NZDA received September 11, 2024.

These operations have been undertaken by PĀMU Farms and have taken place on land close to the homestead in the Awatere catchment that is not open for hunting, and Travellers hunting block that encompasses the Alma area.

Part of the agreement is that 'trophy' animals will not be shot. Animals shot will be recovered and sold for processing to recover operational costs. An offer of killed 'smaller' animals that couldn't be processed was made to Marlborough Branch NZDA. Marlborough Branch NZDA declined the offer.

NZDA has invested considerable effort into ascertaining whether this operation is permissible under the current lease and has questioned the basis of the decision making of the operation going ahead. 

At present, with no 'pest control plan' in place within the management plan, management reverts to the wishes of the leaseholder who has obligations under the lease and the Wild Animal Control Act 1977. 

DOC must issue a WARO permit to allow the actions to take place, but the permit has been issued as a one-off non-commercial permit, is limited in time and applicable to the agreed areas.

NZDA is now working in collaboration with PĀMU Farms, DOC, and the GAC to agree on a 'pest control plan' that provides opportunities for recreational hunters while ensuring future operations on Molesworth reflect hunters' values and aspirations — or potentially make such operations unnecessary in the future.