NZDA makes submission for and on behalf of NZDA and recreational hunters.

23 January 2023

Please find attached NZDA’s submission on LTIB Consultation.

As Linz and DOC are looking at technology solutions, NZDA on behalf of members have had a say on the draft Long-term Insights Briefing, developed by DOC and Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ).

This is NZDA's first submission for 2023, and something we've been working on over the break. We are looking forward to another busy year, advocating on behalf of members.

Keep reading to learn more.

Read NZDA's Submission:

More Context

About the Consultation

The topic of the draft briefing was: “How can we help biodiversity thrive through the innovative use of information and emerging technologies?”

The draft briefing:

  • considers how new and improved information and emerging technologies could support Aotearoa New Zealand’s long-term vision for a thriving biodiversity;
  • demonstrates the opportunities for biodiversity presented by innovation, information and emerging technology by exploring;
    • satellite imagery and remote sensing;
    • artificial intelligence and data-driven technologies,
    • and genetic technologies.
  • considers options to support the safe and effective use of emerging technologies that could help address biodiversity decline.

Options for safe and effective use of emerging technologies

Innovative use of technologies and information could offer new tools to reduce threats to our wildlife. But the systems that support these have a huge impact on their success or failure.

The briefing draft provides options to develop robust systems and build trust so people feel comfortable with our use of these tools.

This includes options to:

  • align with te ao, mātauranga and tikanga Māori
  • encourage community engagement and participation
  • strengthen funding and investment
  • support trust through oversight, transparency, risk assessment and ethical frameworks
  • build global partnerships

Read full text here.

Submissions closed Monday, 16 January 2023.

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