Advocacy Update: Predator Free Rakiura

The New Zealand Deerstalkers Association (NZDA) supports Predator Free Rakiura and welcomes the clarification of the next steps in this project on Rakiura/Stewart Island, specifically the protection of the White-tailed deer resource as part of the project which remains as a critical component to our support.

The initial stage is expected to begin with a ~10,000ha block (10km x 10km) at the southern end of Rakiura. This stage will trial tools and techniques to learn what will be required to scale up the removal of rats, possums, feral cats and hedgehogs across the island. Removal of predators is expected to begin Autumn 2025. The NZDA has confirmed with PFR that deer are not a target species for this operation, and as such expect that deer repellent will be used to ensure the valuable White-tailed deer population is protected for hunters now and into the future.

NZDA Rakiura lead Craig Benbow was pleased to see the PFR project progressing. Mr. Benbow welcomed the opportunity to support and work with PFR to refine the methods employed and ensure the highly valued White-tailed herd and Red Deer present on Rakiura is protected as agreed at the initiation of the project. He said "ensuring future generations can enjoy the unique experiences Rakiura offers, in an environment that no longer contains predatory threats to native species is an exciting prospect. Removal of rats, cats, hedgehogs and possums will enable threatened species to flourish and provide for reintroduction of species long since absent from the forests, wetlands, scrubland and grassland of Rakiura"

NZDA National President Callum Sheridan also expressed support and was pleased PFR and stakeholders were working collectively to ensure not only the pest species were eradicated but that the resident and highly valued deer herds were not in the scope of operations. Mr Sheridan said "Working collaboratively and constructively has huge benefit to both conservation and hunting and NZDA will continue to work alongside others to achieve these outcomes both nationally and locally in precious places like Rakiura".

As New Zealand’s largest independent hunting and conservation organisation, the NZDA look forward to representing the voice of recreational hunters throughout this project.

View the free release here.

One Step Closer to a Predator Free Rakiura


Predator Free Rakiura will need advice and guidance, including from iwi, the Predator Free Rakiura Engagement and Advisory Group (EAG), hunting and aquaculture interests, and the local community, around the approach. This input will be critical to designing the elimination work programme.

Discussions have begun with some of these parties, seeking input in the early stages of planning. The community can expect to keep hearing from ZIP as they develop and refine their thinking.

The NZDA are across this issue and will keep our members updated as it develops.


There’s a lot of planning, design, and preparation required before operational work can begin next year. ZIP’s mission for the next six months is to connect with communities to build a knowledge base of local context that will inform the initial elimination approach.

Keep an eye on the Predator Free Rakiura website for more information and regular updates.

Contact Predator Free Rakiura with any questions:

See the website here.