At both a regional/branch level and nation-wide/National Office level we are advocating on behalf of NZDA members and non-members alike.
NZDA is at the forefront of protecting the hunting heritage.
Below you can find copies of our recent submissions.
What Does NZDA Advocate for?
NZDA focus' on four key subject matters/categories:
- Firearms
- Game Animal Management
- Land Access and Management
- Hunting Opportunities
Firearms - we cover any issues linked to firearms access, use, licensing and etc. Generally, submissions are addressed to Police and/or Parliament, official correspondence to the Minister of Police or other relevant MPs and research data links to the use of firearms and the needs of licensed firearms owners.
Game Animal Management - we cover any issues linked to game animals and wildlife management. Generally, submissions are addressed to the Department of Conservation, LINZ or OSPRI and official correspondence to the Minister of Conservation, other relevant MPs and research data links to the number of game animals taken by members/hunters. There is also some specific species-related content, particularly in relation to tahr.
Land Access and Management - we cover any issues linked to general public access and land management. Examples of topics include the Stewardship Land Reclassification Process or the Conservation Management Plans and Processes consultations run by the Department of Conservation. Generally, submissions are addressed to the Department of Conservation, LINZ or OSPRI and official correspondence to the Minister of Conservation, other relevant MPs and research data links to the number of game animals taken by members/hunters. The National Association typically does not comment or submit on specific local access issues.
Hunting Opportunities - we cover any issues related to specific hunting opportunities, access and other related topics. Examples include information on ballots, permits and etc. There is also more member-specific information (e.g. this is where the NZDA Annual Member Survey reports can be accessed). There are very few submissions under this section and most work is official correspondence addressed to hunting related MPs and Officials as well as research data and reports.
Arms Act Fees Review Consultation
NZDA identified a number of complex and significant flaws in Police’s proposed Arms Act fee review. We prepared a detailed submission, accompanied by a survey of the firearms community to highlight our concerns to Police. Find a copy of our submission (including a summary of the data obtained from the survey) below.
DOC-LINZ Long Term Insights Briefing Consultation
NZDA engaged with DOC and LINZ to optimise the draft long-term insights briefing. We want to ensure research and development in the conservation space works to developed hunting opportunities, improve public access and allow us to thrive in our natural environment. Find a copy of our submission below.
Submission to Parliament on Natural and Built Environment Bill
Recent changes to the requirements for Shooting Clubs and Ranges, as well as ongoing developments in the game animal management space mean that the Resource Management Act reform project, centred on the Natural and Built Environment Bill are important to the NZDA. We drafted a submission to highlight the potential impact on the recreational hunting and shooting community. NZDA also appeared at Parliament to submit orally to the select committee. Find a copy of our written submission below.
Arms (Licence Holders' Applications for New Licences) Amendment Bill
In response to our complaints made to the Minister in March 2022, the Minister announced a Bill to reduce the impact of delays on licenced owners applying to renew their firearms licence. NZDA submitted on the Bill to ensure the proposed changes obtained the best outcomes for licenced owners in the community while ensuring public safety. Find a copy of our submission below. See our letter to Min. Poto Williams here.
Firearms Registry Consultation
Part of the Governments firearms law reform included a requirement for Police to create a firearms register. NZDA submitted on the proposed firearms register to provide expert advice from the firearms community on how to minimise the impact on the law-abiding citizens and ensure the best public safety outcomes. Find a copy of our submission below.
OSPRI - National Aerial (1080) Operations 2023
The widespread use of aerial applied 1080 can have drastic impacts on recreational hunters, particularly on access to food gathering opportunities. NZDA engaged with Ospri on their proposed national aerial operations for 2023 to minimise their impact on game animals and wildlife. Find a copy of NZDA’s submission below.
Rangitahi/Molesworth Recreation Reserve Conservation Management Plan Review
The Rangitahi/Molesworth Recreation Reserve is one of New Zealand’s most valued hunting areas. NZDA submitted on the Conservation Management Plan Review to ensure the views of one of the primary user groups, recreational hunters, were reflected and listened to. Find a copy of our submission below.
LINZ Crown Pastoral Land Reform Act: Proposed regulations and standards
As part of NZDA’s on-going work to ensure land is managed fairly and that public access rights are respected, we prepared a submission on the proposed regulations and standards under the Crown Pastoral Land Reform Act. Find a copy of our submission below.
West Coast Stewardship Land Reclassification
Following NZDA’s submission on the general consultation on stewardship land reclassification in March 2022, DOC released their proposals for the West Coast stewardship land. Large swathes of valued recreational hunting areas were proposed to become reserves or be added to National Parks. NZDA advocated for public access and the importance of ensuring the recreational, cultural and traditional activities that take place in a specific area can continue under the new land classification. Find our submission below.
DOC Conservation Management Plans and Processes
As part of our on-going engagement with DOC, NZDA submitted on the proposed changes to Conservation Management Plans and Processes. The plans can have significant impacts on the day-to-day activities of DOC offices and NZDA made it clear that public access and recreational hunting should be at the forefront of DOC’s plans. Find a copy of our submission below.
Police Arms Regulations - Clubs and ranges
NZDA submitted on the proposed regulations for Shooting Clubs and Ranges. We communicated NZDA’s concerns with proposals including the information Police required from clubs, audit requirements and etc. Find a copy of our submission below.
National WARO (Wild Animal Recovery Operators) Review and Land Access
Wild Animal Recovery Operators (WARO) can conflict with recreational hunters, particularly where there are high concentrations of hunters on the ground. NZDA submitted on the review to ensure DOC understands the safety risks of allowing WARO and to ensure recreational hunters interests are protected. Find a copy of our submission below.
DOC Stewardship land submission – Streamlining the Stewardship Land Reclassification Process
NZDA engaged with DOC on changes to the stewardship land reclassification process. Almost 30% of all land managed by DOC is unclassified and needs to be assessed to decided whether it should become a reserve, conservation park, national park or be disposed of. Copies of NZDA’s written submission can be downloaded below.
Firearms Prohibition Orders Legislation Bill Consultation
NZDA submitted to Parliament to represent the views of the recreational hunting and shooting community on Firearms Prohibition Orders. NZDA supports policies and laws that protect law-abiding firearms users but opposes anything that could lead to penalties or red-tape to law-abiding members of the community. Find a copy of NZDA’s written submission below.
DOC Tahr Control Operational Plan 2022/23
NZDA is a key stakeholder in tahr management. We engaged with DOC to advise them of the views of the recreational hunting community. Find a copy our submission below.