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Advocacy Alert: NZ Police - Firearms Fees Consultation

Consultation on Firearms Licencing Fees

9 December 2022

Consultation has begun on proposed changes to firearms fees. This impacts you and your wallet.

NZ Police are seeking feedback to shape the proposed changes.

These changes include increased:

  • Licence fees
  • Dealer fees (including importing)
  • Endorsement fees for licence holders and dealers
  • Fees for places of business, ammunition sellers and internet sales
  • Import permit fees
  • and much much more...

See the proposed changes here:

Open the Arms Regulations: Review of Fees 2022 document here.

See the press release from NZ Police here.

What is NZDA Doing?

NZDA is now reviewing Police's proposals and preparing a detailed submission. We will continue to work directly with Police to ensure we actually continue to have affordable fees for members and the firearms community.

What can you do?

Tell people. Make a submission. Please, we urge all members to have their say on this via the submission process.

It is vital that licenced firearms owners are heard, seen and our combined voices respected by Police, especially in an era where we are forced to fight for our right to hunt.

Make a submission:

NZ Police invite your feedback on proposals. See the submission process overview here.

You have two options to provided feedback:

1. Fill out the Online Feedback Form which walks you through a series of questions:

Go the the Online Consultation Feeback Form.

2. Complete a submission form by accessing the paper copy here:

Download the PDF version here.

Download the word document here.

NZDA Policy on Firearms

NZDA supports a firearms regulation framework that protects law-abiding users and does not apply penalties or ‘red-tape’ costs to those owners and which guarantees efficiency and safety.

In respect to firearms, NZDA’s policies are:

  1. To maintain the right of the people generally to own and bear firearms and to oppose any regulations which would unduly restrict such rights.

  2. To support the principles of firearms registration of the user based on appropriate levels of qualification, and to oppose registration of individual firearms as a system which has been a proven failure.

  3. To support firearms security measures which by their economy and effectiveness, will encourage purchase and use.

  4. To oppose security measures which are designed as a financial penalty to discourage ownership of some category firearms.

  5. To support the penalising of intimidation by use of firearms.

  6. To safeguard property both private and public and to show due respect for the rights and safety of others.

  7. To promote international and Olympic style competition shooting and the grading and participation in such competitions.