NZDA is the national body in New Zealand representing and advocating on behalf of recreational hunters and shooters.
Our fundamental purpose is to:
- Ensure the traditions of recreational hunting and the rights of recreational hunters in New Zealand are protected, advanced and advocated for in the best interests of sportsmen and sportswomen; and
- Be the national body in New Zealand representing and advocating on behalf of recreational hunters.
Our objectives are:
- The preservation, encouragement and advancement of the sport of recreational hunting, bushcraft, shooting and the like (together, the "sport") and to provide facilities for same;
- The formation, preservation, support, encouragement and advancement of incorporated Branches;
- The facilitation of consultation between recreational hunters, for arbitration between individuals and/or Branches on matters under dispute, and the settlement of all questions referred to NZDA;
- The protection of the rights and interests of recreational hunters and their sport, and the repression of any abuses in connection with recreational hunters or their sport;
- To make rules, policy, regulations and codes of ethics necessary or desirable in the best interests of the sport or NZDA, and publish and enforce the same;
- To gain representation, where desirable, on public bodies or organisations whose functions or objects are deemed of importance to, or affecting NZDA or recreational hunters’ interests;
- To encourage and assist with the formation of other organisations deemed necessary or desirable in the interests of the sport and outdoors recreation generally;
- The fostering of interest in native flora and fauna and their conservation;
- To strenuously oppose commercial exploitation of New Zealand’s wildlife, public lands, and natural resources wherever and whenever such activity is deemed to jeopardise, exclude, restrict, or conflict with public usage of, or access to New Zealand’s wildlife, public lands or natural resources, or where commercial exploitation is contrary to sound conservation practice or the interests of the sport or recreational hunters’ interests; and
- To do all such other things as may be necessary, incidental or conducive to the attainment of our fundamental aims, purpose and objects, Policy, Code of Ethics, and Field Guidelines.