New Zealand Deerstalkers offers a number of different membership types - see the table below for details:
- Full benefits at national and branch level
- NZ Hunting & Wildlife magazine digital copy
- Branch newsletters
- National newsletters and advocacy updates
- Eligible to enter national and branch competitions
- Eligible to join committees
- includes liability insurance
FAMILY MEMBERS: You can also add your family members to your membership for $10.00** per family member.
- Family members are the partner, child or grandchild, child or grandchild of the partner, or sibling, of the 'full member'
- Must be attached to 'full' member, i.e. senior member
- Children, siblings and grandchildren must be under 18 years of age as at 1 March of the current financial year
- Each family member receives a personal membership card
- Includes hunting liability insurance
**Some Branches add a local fee per family member in addition to this amount, so check with your Branch's Membership Secretary to confirm.
- As per above. Must be under 18 years of age as at 1 March. Full benefits apart from voting rights.
- Gain access to branch facilities and activities only, excludes NZ Hunting & Wildlife magazine, National level competitions, voting rights and insurance cover.
AFFILIATE ('Friend of Branch') |
- As per senior. Must be a full member of another branch. Must produce membership card as proof.
- As per senior. Must be attending a tertiary institute or undergoing an apprenticeship. Proof of study must be provided.
- Over 65 years old as at 1 March. Full benefits, as per senior.