Advocacy Alert: NZDA Submits on Tahr Control Operational Plan 2025-26

Advocacy Alert: NZDA Submits on Tahr Control Operational Plan 2025-26

NZDA’s position is to preserve the right of recreational hunters in New Zealand to be able to hunt Tahr sustainably on public conservation land now and forever. The recreational hunting community is a significant resource which should be utilised and coordinated to support Tahr control and Tahr management.

Recreational hunters and particularly NZDA members contribute a significant amount of time and effort toward conservation and management of game animals. NZDA understands that this effort is often considered an unquantified contribution, however, would like to explore new ways to quantify the effort of members and others in the recreational hunting community.

By recognising the role of recreational hunting as both a conservation and recreational activity, the department can achieve a balanced and sustainable approach to managing public conservation lands and waters.

NZDA's Feedback on the 25/26 TCOP

Attached are the suggestions from NZDA toward the formation of the draft TCOP for 2025/2026, these will be considered when the new plan is drafted.

View the submission:

Our submission highlights:

  • Transparency: Calling for timely updates on control locations and tallies.
  • Containment: Prioritising control efforts outside the feral range to prevent Tahr spread.
  • Separation: Directing control operations away from areas accessible to recreational hunters.
  • Hunter Contribution: Advocating for increased hunter involvement with better access, information, and support for Tahr control.
  • Sustainability: Improving population monitoring and vegetation data to inform adaptive management.

These recommendations reflect NZDA's commitment to sustainable hunting, conservation, and equitable access to public land. We’ll continue to advocate for the voices of hunters to be heard in Tahr management.

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