South Canterbury HUNTS Course: A Milestone Year of Success

South Canterbury HUNTS Course: A Milestone Year of Success

The 2024 South Canterbury HUNTS course marked a significant milestone in the revitalization of this vital training program for our branch. After the course was unable to proceed last year, this year’s event was not only successfully delivered but also exceeded expectations in every regard.  
The South Canterbury HUNTS course took place over several weekends, combining both classroom sessions and hands-on field experience. This year's course was attended by a diverse group of trainees, ranging in ages, and from beginners to those with some prior experience.
The highlight of this year’s course was the successful harvest of 29 animals by the trainees, a fantastic result that reflects both the quality of training and the enthusiasm of the participants. The animals harvested included a mix of deer, tahr, and pigs, which are all important targets for conservation in the region.

Not only did the trainees gain practical experience in hunting, but they also demonstrated their understanding of responsible hunting practices. They were guided by experienced instructors throughout the course, ensuring that they followed safe and ethical procedures while achieving successful outcomes.

Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing how much they had learned and how much their confidence in hunting had grown throughout the course. Several noted how valuable it was to experience the course in a supportive, hands-on environment where they could learn at their own pace. A lot of trainees are also now attending club hunts regularly. 
The success of this course was due in no small part to the dedicated instructors and volunteers who supported the event. The instructors brought a wealth of experience and knowledge to the course, and their ability to effectively teach and engage participants was key in creating such a positive and successful outcome.
Additionally, support from the local landowners who allowed access to hunting grounds, and the South Canterbury Branch volunteers ensured that the course ran smoothly and safely the last weekend we were lucky enough to have Paddy and Ian along, who gave positive feedback, and also chipped in with some much welcomed tips and tricks that they wanted to share. 
Looking ahead, we aim to build on this success by addressing the challenges faced and ensuring that the course continues to evolve to meet the needs of aspiring hunters. We expect nearly double the amount of trainees next year, with nearly double figures showing interest already. With a solid foundation now in place, and fresh instructors added to the mix, we are confident that future HUNTS courses will only grow in quality and popularity, continuing to support the next generation of ethical and knowledgeable hunters in New Zealand.

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