Scoped rifle shooting as the name suggests is deliberate target shooting with a rifle equipped with a telescopic sight.
Rifles and Equipment
This equipment can range from an off the shelf hunting rifle to a specifically modified target rifle. A heavy barrelled varmint rifle is well suited. Although .7mm08 and .308 calibres are not uncommon, a lighter recoiling calibre is usually preferred. Calibres like .223, 6ppc and 6BR are three very popular calibers in use.
There are two distinct classes, determined by the type of rifle being used, hunting class and open class.
- Open class means the rifle will usually be a dedicated target rifle with a high quality high magnification scope and with a heavier barrel. The shooter is allowed to wear a shooting jacket will have a single point sling, a shooting glove and is allowed to wear shooting trousers if they wish.
- Hunter class as the name suggests is a standard hunting rifle , a two point sling as used to shoulder the rifle and no specific designed shooting clothing. In Hunter class a shooting mat and kneeling roll may be used.
Course of Fire
In both classes matches are shot in four different positions depending on the competition
- Prone
- Standing
- Kneeling
- Sitting
Competition matches may be 5, 10, or even 20 shots (10 or 20 not ideal with lighter hunting barrels).
Open class is graded, allowing new shooters a chance to get some recognition as they move up to a higher grade.
National Competition - Traditionally held early March
In the past Branches would indicate their interest to host them at conference two years in advance, however recently they have tended to be held at Tokoroa as that is central to most of the people who take part. In times past they would alternate between North and South Island.
For more information keep an eye out here.
'Prize Shoots' - A more relaxed competition style
For more information keep an eye out here.
Non NZDA Competitions
North Island Scoped Rifle Championship - Tokoroa
Typically held the end of November
For more information keep an eye out here.
Waikato Regional Championship - Tokoroa
Typically held the end of July
For more information keep an eye out here.
International Competitions.
These would be regarded as the pinnacle of our competition, and take place generally between NZ and Australia every two years with two consecutive events in each country, this competition is strictly open class where matches are 20 shot.
Tip: Although the shooting jacket etc. can be helpful the main component to successful competition shooting is dedication and practice. A good fitting jacket with a button secured to the upper left shoulder (RH shooter) to prevent sling from slipping will suffice to get started, a varmint rifle and a good quality scope of 16 or so magnification will get you started.