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NZDA Policy on Poisons and Toxins

NZDA’s current position on poisons and toxins
(Conference 2002, Hamilton, adopted in the Annual Report)

  1. NZDA reaffirms its role as the advocate for New Zealand’s valued game animals.
  2. NZDA will cooperate with the Government and other official organisations in the solution of New Zealand’s conservation and animal health problems but will be unequivocal in opposition to poison as a non-selective killer of game animals.
  3. NZDA rejects the argument that limited ‘by-kill’ is an acceptable cost of poisoning campaigns and demands that alternate methods for controlling the target pest species be developed and used.

Summary: The New Zealand Deerstalkers Association opposes, categorically, the use of poison when used in such a way as to kill game animals deliberately or otherwise.

This Policy was ratified most recently by annual conferences up to and including the 2017 Conference.