NZDA General Policy Statements
It shall be the policy of the New Zealand Deerstalkers Association:
- To oppose by all legal means the noxious animal philosophy and its attendant policy of extermination.
- To oppose generally the use of poisons, disease, snares and other unethical practices for killing game animals.
- To maintain the right of the people generally to own and bear firearms and to oppose any regulations which would unduly restrict such rights.
- To support the principles of firearms registration of the user based on appropriate levels of qualification, and to oppose registration of individual firearms as a system which has been a proven failure.
- To support firearms security measures which by their economy and effectiveness, will encourage purchase and use.
- To oppose security measures which are designed as a financial penalty to discourage ownership of some category firearms.
- To support the penalising of intimidation by use of firearms.
- To safeguard property both private and public and to show due respect for the rights and safety of others.
- To give all possible support to the Search and Rescue Organisation.
- To obtain to the greatest possible degree, access to the recreational herds of New Zealand for all and to ensure that where demand exceeds accommodation equitable systems of allocation including ballots will apply without favour.
- To negotiate with the owners of private land for the right of access to the game herds thereon.
- To maintain the principle of recreational use as of right for all outdoor sports men/women of all unoccupied land held by the Crown and other public bodies.
- To oppose the freeholding of Crown lands held under pastoral lease or licence unless all recreational land and wetlands and satisfactory access has been retained in Crown ownership.
- To make the fullest possible use of publicity media in order to promote the Association’s aims and protect its interests provided that no member shall make any public statement which is contrary to the Association’s national policy.
- To promote the aesthetic, recreational, economic and tourist hunting values of New Zealand’s game animals provided that tourists, hunters and professional guides are not granted any concessions with respect to hunting on public land not equally enjoyed by all New Zealand recreational hunters.
- To encourage the preservation and exhibition of recreational feral game trophies and to record, measure and evaluate the worth of such trophies by the use of the Douglas Score and NZDA systems.
- To promote international and Olympic style competition shooting and the grading and participation in such competitions.
- To actively promote the revised Code of Ethics and Field Guidelines internally and externally.
This Policy was ratified most recently by annual conferences up to and including the 2017 Conference.